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optokinetic nystagmus中文是什么意思

用"optokinetic nystagmus"造句"optokinetic nystagmus"怎么读"optokinetic nystagmus" in a sentence


  • 视动性眼球震颤
  • 视旋转性眼球震颤
  • 视运动性眼球震颤


  • The conventional optokinetic nystagmus ( okn ) is elicited by a large - field moving pattern . the study of okn could contribute to the mechanism of oculomotor control and to the ophthalmological diagnosis
    大范围运动图形能诱发传统的视动震颤( optokineticnystagmus , okn )眼动,它对于眼运动( oculomotor )控制研究及临床有关疾病诊断有重要意义。
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